Scott Is Cool
News and Gossip


Biography | News and Gossip

Here's the scoop...


Okay, so one time, I was walking down the street and I see Scott pooin on some guys lawn, cuz hes soo cool and when youre so cool, you can poo on peoples lawns, like dogs, cuz dogs are soo cool.
Anyways, along comes MATTHEW and what does he do? He gets arrested by SCOTT's dad, Mr.MciNtyre and he spends his life in prison for pooin without poo permit.

Scott Reportedly in Talks with Al-Queida
Posted 1/1/00

Mr. Showbiz reports that Scott was talking with Abduhl jaffar Reheim Jackassabal.  Anyways, Scott said he was going to committ mass murder of cows in the farmers field by his house.  Abduhl jaffar Reheim Jackassabal was pleased with Scott, so he gave him a robe.

Contributed by Erica


Here I'll include some of the juicier stuff I hear. No guarantee of the accuracy of what you read in this column!

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